Client Experience Tech Tip: How to Elevate Your Instagram Client Experience


Updated April 2023

This week’s tech tip is all about elevating your client experience from the first time they see your stunning portfolio on Instagram. Learn how to create a link tree page on your website by following the simple steps here.

The first impression says a lot about your company and whether a prospective client will inquire about working together.

This week’s tech tip is all about elevating your client experience from the first time a potential client sees your stunning portfolio on Instagram.

Say “byeeee” to sending traffic (and dollars) to LinkTree and “hello” to sending traffic to YOUR website.


When you send traffic to your website, and people take their time on your website as they review your services, your portfolio, your blog posts, etc., it tells Google that people like your site, and Google will reward you by showing your name higher up in searches.

So how do you do this with Instagram?

Create a link tree page on your website by following the simple steps below. Make the entire digital experience elevated from the moment someone finds you on Instagram.

Here’s how to do it in Wix.

Here’s how to do it in Squarespace.


The code to remove the header and footer from a page in Squarespace 7.1 is:

<style>.header, #footer-sections {display:none!important;}</style> 

To remove the header and footer from a page in 7.0, the code is:


.Header, .Footer, .Mobile-bar {

display:none !important;




Creating a link page on your website will keep your client’s experience cohesive and on brand, as well as help navigate potential clients to easily take the action you ask them to in your posts. 

Pro tip: always have a clear and relevant CTA (call to action) on #linkinbio

For more on marketing tactics that don’t work for interior designers, this article is for you, and check out more Client Experience Tech Tips here.

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