Waitlist Workshop: How to Build a Paid Waitlist


In this 2-hour pre-recorded (originally live) workshop, you’ll learn:

-How to define your project timelines (plus industry averages for 5 different services)

-How to understand and map your capacity

-How to communicate your timelines (I give the specific language to use on calls, in emails, and in your marketing)

-How to logistically create a paid AND unpaid waitlist

-Ways to support a paid and unpaid waitlist while they wait

-Mistakes to avoid when you're at capacity

-The software I recommend for serving your waitlist on auto-pilot

-And more!!

Originally recorded live November 2022 | Please see terms of use.

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The Waitlist Workshop and all related materials are intended for unlimited use by one person (the Purchaser). The Purchaser cannot resell, duplicate, share, copy, distribute, or offer the workshop or any intellectual property or related materials to any third party or marketplace without express written consent from Dakota Design Company, LLC. Dakota Design Company, LLC retains title and ownership of all items included in this workshop. Dakota Design Company, LLC reserves the right to take action against you if you violate the terms of use.

If you are not an interior designer but offer services to interior designers as an interior design business coach/consultant/mentor/strategist or similar, a commercial license is required. Please email katie@dakotadesigncompany.com to inquire about pricing and availability.


Due to the instant and digital nature of this product, there are no refunds.


“Katie's waitlist workshop was the BEST! She and her team always know what I need prior to me even knowing that I need it!”

-Jenny, Waitlist Workshop Attendee

“The Waitlist Workshop was such an eye-opener and a great tool to give me the confidence to get leads on my waitlist! There is so much GOLD here! I have been able to institute so much positive change in my business in such a short time, and it's giving me the confidence to keep reaching my goals. I'm sharing your IG and website with all my friends!”

-Interior Designer, Waitlist Workshop Attendee

“Katie provided a very helpful and thorough workshop. She covered relevant topics that support the main topic which was unexpected and VERY helpful. No stone was left unturned as it pertains to building out a paid waiting list. I can't wait to dig in and implement the strategies provided.”

-Nickeisha, Waitlist Workshop Attendee